Procurement & Finance in Supply Chain Management

Enabling the digital transformation of supply chains

The "Procurement & Finance in Supply Chain Management" department plans and implements projects in various areas, including blockchain & applications, procurement & technologies, financial supply chain management & digitalization of craft. Together with research and industry partners, we work on practice-oriented and customized concepts and solutions. To achieve this, we have an interdisciplinary team of around 20 employees, 14 research assistants, and 2 apprentices from the fields of informatics, logistics, business administration, industrial engineering and finance.


"ZUKUNFT HANDWERK" congress in Munich

From 12 to 13 March 2025, the “ZUKUNFT HANDWERK” congress took place in Munich, where Dr. Axel T. Schulte, Michael Lücke and Steffen Bölling presented innovative projects such as MINERVA and GreenCraft.
  • News (

News article on ForestGuard at

An Open Source Blockchain for Deforestation-Free Coffee Supply Chains.

Open Source Blockchain Tool "ForestGuard" Released

On January 31, 2025, the "ForestGuard" tool for deforestation-free supply chains was released as open source. The code and the tool are freely accessible.

Zeit Wissen Congress 24

On 26.09.2024, the ZEIT WISSEN congress (motto: Courage for sustainability) took place, where participants took part in a panel discussion on the topic of »How can we implement climate and environmental protection measures more quickly«.

ForestGuard at the annual conference of Exportinitiative Umweltschutz

From September 5 to 6, the ForestGuard project was represented at the annual conference of the Export Initiative for Environmental Protection (EXI).

ForestGuard on site - Coffee plantations in Peru

As part of the BMUV-funded »ForestGuard« project, a team from Fraunhofer IML traveled to Pichanaki, Peru, to investigate methods for verifying deforestation-free coffee supply chains.


As part of the "SIMPEL²" research project, participation in the command staff of the Dortmund fire department during the European Championship round of 16 match between Germany and Denmark on June 29, 2024 provided initial insights into the needs and requirements analysis and the detailed processes of a command staff in real operations.

Code is Law?

On June 27, 2024, Dr. Maximilian Austerjost and Sabine Jakob accepted the invitation of Frank Schäffler MdB and took part in the 4th Blockchain Roundtable in the German Bundestag. The topic was: "Code is Law? How our law must adapt to smart contracts and legal tech".


The TECON project uses blockchain technology in the form of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to develop a transparent marketplace for various products. The aim is to create a way to make the supply chains of products verifiable.


The BMBF-funded SIMPEL² project aims to research a holistic logistics concept for the chaos phase at the beginning of a major emergency situation. The aim is to adapt resilience-enhancing measures from classic supply chain management.

IML team tracing the path of coffee

As part of the "ForestGuard" project, members of the project team had the opportunity to visit the Schirmer Kaffee GmbH plant in Dortmund and followed the path of "green coffee" to the finished product.

Our domains of expertise


Space Logistics

  • To-Space-Logistic
  • In-Space-Logistic


  • Technologies in procurement & SCM 
  • Success criterias & KPIs 
  • Sustainability 
  • Purchasing personas
  • Procurement & Inventory Management


  • Use cases in logistics & SCM 
  • De facto standards 
  • Interfaces & APIs
  • Asset tokenization
  • Pilot networks

Craft Industry

  • Use of mobile devices 
  • Digitalization assessment
  • Digital order & operation planning 
  • Tool and material planning

Financial Supply Chain Management

  • Supply chain financing 
  • Automated and autonomous invoicing
  • IoT-based payments

Additional Information

The Team

Get to know our interdisciplinary team.

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With our research and industry projects, we cover the entire innovation chain from basic research to market entry of new products.

Social Media

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Whether attending conferences or presenting the latest research findings - here you will find an overview of all events.


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