100% logistics for your business

From research into practice

Fraunhofer IML is the leading institute for applied logistics research in Germany, Europe and the world. We design and enable logistical innovations. "100 % logistics" is the standard by which we measure our work. Our scientific expertise goes hand in hand with the openness and enthusiasm of our scientists for new technologies and innovative solutions. They are driven by the desire to make the impossible plannable and feasible and to increase the sustainability and benefits of logistics - on behalf of research and on behalf of companies, associations and local authorities.

What we offer: research and development, planning and consulting

Our range of technologies and services reflects our holistic commitment to intelligently networked and sustainable logistics:

  • In our research projects funded by the federal states, the federal government or the European Union, we deal with the fundamental possibilities, opportunities and potential of technological progress and develop exemplary solutions to increase the competitiveness of logistics based on specific use cases. 
  • In projects commissioned by companies and organisations, the focus is on the industrial application of technology-oriented and sustainable solutions, the development of prototypes, market-ready products, new business models and better concepts.


Project orders: Research expertise for greater efficiency and better processes

© Fraunhofer IML - Michael Neuhaus

How can a company's innovative strength be increased and a specific future project implemented? Our logistics experts support our partners with the latest research expertise and their experience from practical work in companies. We are looking forward to interesting projects!

In view of the multitude and dynamics of external challenges, research and development as well as planning and consulting are more important than ever for companies today. Digitalisation and sustainability are crucial for competitiveness and future viability.  

Our customers - companies from industry, trade and services as well as associations, organisations and local authorities - value the quality of our services, our trustworthiness and reliability and, of course, our expertise in practical implementation. They see us as a partner for digital and green transformation - for fresh ideas and innovative solutions, for modern processes and better mobility.


More about general conditions and references for project orders.

Cooperation and collaboration for the innovations of tomorrow

Long-term, strategic, plannable: Fraunhofer IML has developed two special formats that take into account the current challenges of logistics and the special challenges of companies: the Enterprise Labs and the Open Labs.

Enterprise Labs: A space of opportunity for cutting-edge technology

© Fraunhofer IML - Michael Neuhaus

Setting standards in the industry with new technologies and innovations? To this end, we work together with our partners in our Enterprise Labs: here you research and develop hand in hand with the best logistics scientists.

In an Enterprise Lab, the client (company) and contractor (Fraunhofer IML) work closely together at a strategic and operational level: Highly committed teams with a pronounced "hands-on" mentality, short distances between research and practice as well as a low administrative effort ensure intensive, trusting cooperation based on a shared understanding of the challenges and common goals. This is not only the basis for continuous improvement, but also the driving force for extraordinary and spectacular project ideas that enable leaps in innovation.

As part of an Enterprise Lab, we not only make our best minds available to companies, but also offer access to the institute's entire infrastructure. 


More about the framework conditions and references of Enterprise Labs.

Open Labs: Open source community for interfaces and standards

© Michael Neuhaus - Fraunhofer IML

How can cross-company or industry-wide digitalisation projects be driven forward? We offer our partners the opportunity to get involved in an open lab together with other companies: This is where we develop open source software for logistics.  

Networking in logistics is so far advanced that proprietary solutions are more likely to slow down digitalisation than accelerate it. The time of companies going it alone is therefore over: the digitalisation of logistics processes requires collaborative solutions. Fraunhofer IML pursued the open source approach at an early stage - both in publicly funded research projects and in projects with industry.  

Our Open Labs are the logical continuation of these activities: We bring together companies that are looking for a solution to a problem that affects everyone equally in a user community. On behalf of the companies, we manage the community, support the companies in formulating the technical requirements and carry out the actual development work.


More about the framework conditions and references of Open Labs.