Sustainability and Circular Economy

Expertise in Logistics, Sustainability and Recycling Management

The limited receptiveness of our ecological systems, as well as, the increasing shortage of natural resources requires a rethinking in society and economy. Hence, one of the biggest challenges of this century is to make our business processes more eco-friendly and sustainable.

An ecological, high-performance and efficient logistics gives you its decisive advantage. As an innovative partner we develop specially customized solutions including the required ICT for your company, from the basic concept to the final realization.

Corresponding to the Fraunhofer philosophy we work as a neutral and independent consultant. In joint project teams we work on shaping your business processes economically and sustainable, and thus making your company »fit for the future«.

Sustainability and Resources

The image shows symbols representing sustainability and resources—topics addressed by Fraunhofer IML. It illustrates how companies can tackle climate change and resource scarcity to align ecological and economic goals.
© Parradee -

Competent consulting on the efficient use of material and energy resources: With Green Logistics we minimize logistic processes, material and energy utilization throughout the entire supply chain with the help of technical and organizational measures.

Our fields of activity within the scope of sustainability and resources cover the following aspects:

  • Ecological and economic assessment, life cycle assessment, GHG footprints / carbon accounting
  • Material flow management – systematic, efficient resource utilization 
  • Supply chain management for secondary raw materials / urban mining 
  • Logistics for renewable energy sources / biomass logistics 
  • Strategies for reverse logistics, reuse, recycling, product take-back systems 
  • Sustainable resource management and efficient resource utilization
  • Concepts for Circular Economy.

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Waste and Recycling Management

Entsorgung, Entsorgungslogistik, Kreislaufwirtschaft
© – Goss Vitalij

The transition from waste management to resource and recycling management leads to constantly rising quality standards and efficiency in logistics. This applies to businesses of commercial and municipal waste management as well as to industry, trade and service enterprises with in-house disposal tasks. Against this background we offer suitable concepts and long-standing expertise for customized solutions.

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International Activities & Projects

© - ag visuell

Sustainability, resource logistics and resource efficiency as well as carbon intensities are global issues that we address within international projects as well as by sharing our expertise in global or European initiatives and platforms.

Examples are:

  • GILA German, Italien & Latin American consortium for resource efficient logistics hubs & transport - more information
  • Contribution to the working group for DIN EN ISO 14083:2023 at DIN and ISO level
  • LEARN Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reduction Network
  • GLEC Global Logistics Emissions Accounting - more information
  • EcoTransIT World - more information
  • European Technology Platform ALICE - more information

Resource Efficiency at Logistics Sites

The picture shows a logistics hub with a forklift and shelves. Fraunhofer IML supports by making logistics hubs efficient and optimize transport processes.
© Mixage -

Carbon footprinting is regarded as one means of enhancing transparency on where greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are produced within a transport chain and, thus, limiting the emissions and improving the efficiency of transport and transhipment, on both the demand and supply sides of the market. In order to meet global GHG reduction targets and to realize sustainable transport chains, standardization of emissions calculation is progressing swiftly. Logistics sites have a connecting role within transport chains and play their part in contributing to overall logistics emissions.

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Here you can find our reference projects - Click to page


Annual market studies are continued and established with the Fraunhofer IML REff Tool®.

Further Information

© Jan Engel -