Blockchain for deforestation-free coffee supply chains

The need for information is constantly growing. Adequately reporting on the implementation of the Anti-Deforestation Regulation and the status quo over time, as well as deriving potential recommendations for action, requires a wealth of information from companies and their supply chains. However, this information is currently either not available at all or not in sufficient quantity, quality, reliability, tamper resistance, or manageability.
The goal of the ForestGuard project is to propose an application-oriented approach for demonstrating deforestation-free supply chains. Information from various stakeholders and sources along supply chains is structured and brought together while preserving data sovereignty, in order to create digital transparency and efficiency through the integration of various technologies such as distributed ledger technology. Specifically, a scalable, open-source solution approach is being developed using the example of a coffee supply chain. Through a pilot implementation, it will be validated how this solution approach supports the various stakeholders of the supply chain in complying with the EU Anti-Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).