Network Design & Digitalization

Transformation to sustainable and resilient supply chains

The established supply chains of many companies need to be rethought - increasing geopolitical risks and changes in the procurement and sales markets, the technological change driven by digitalization with the key innovation drivers AI and blockchain and other challenges in connection with sustainability and demographic change mean that supply chains need to be adapted in their processes and structures.

Sustainable supply chain management requires an integrated view of economic, environmental and social objectives, which is also reflected in new laws, regulations and reporting obligations - such as the European Corporate Social Due Dillegence Directive (CSDDD) or the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG) - and other requirements in the context of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

We support companies in the target-dependent assessment and resilient design of their supply chains - through our scientifically sound and application-oriented approach and broad industry experience.

How we work

As an application-oriented, neutral research and development organization, we use the latest findings from research for our projects and work with companies to put them into practice. Cooperation between research and practice is of central importance to us. Our approach to (re)designing supply chains is geared towards the future:

  • Consideration of current trends in supply chain management, including in the context of new technologies (e.g. AI) and regulations (e.g. Supply Chain Act)
  • Systematic development of future scenarios based on practical requirements and research results
  • Systematic creation and evaluation of alternative supply chain structures
  • Development of new SCM processes to increase resilience and transparency in supply chains - including on the basis of new technologies such as AI and blockchain

We use these formats when working with companies:

  • Workshops
  • Feasibility studies
  • Implementation projects
  • Training courses and seminars

In addition, we support companies in their transformation processes, including through the European Digital Innovation Hub Dortmund, the Automotive Transformationsplattform ATLAS, and the development of innovation teams (Start-In Factory) together with the Digital.Hub Logistics Dortmund

Our main topics

We support your company in the (re)design of sustainable, resilient supply chains with services in the following areas:


Supply chain resilience

(Re)designing sustainable and resilient supply chains




Supply chain digitization

Support in the digitalization of your supply chain using new technologies such as AI and blockchain


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Supply Chain Act & Corporate Social Responsibility

Analysis and alignment of your SCM processes and SCM IT, taking into account regulatory requirements, e.g. due diligence, ESG and corporate social due diligence.


Innovation and transformation management

Organizational development for sustainable and resilient supply chains

5 potential benefits for your company

By working with us, you will achieve the following potential benefits for your company:

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  • Information on the latest trends and requirements in the field of supply chain management from a neutral, independent source is the basis for far-reaching strategic and operational decisions in the field of supply chain management.
  • Future scenarios adapted to your company enable you to adapt to threats and opportunities within your supply chain in good time and to take advantage of them.
  • The sustainable (re)design of your supply chain structures and processes enables you to address customer needs and make your company resilient.
  • By strategically aligning your supply chain with the latest technologies and concepts, you can sustainably improve your performance and position yourself ahead of the competition.
  • The holistic view of your supply chain makes it possible to make processes and structures more efficient and at the same time meet regulatory requirements.