High flexibility and self control are essential elements of the intelligent factory, the Smart Factory. In order to realize this kind of factory, the production and maintenance are equally required. Products and production plants communicate with each other independently in a Smart Production. It is always transparent which product has to pass through which production step at which plant. Small batch sizes and short-term changes can thus be achieved with minimum effort. The availability of this highly complex production environment ensures intelligent maintenance, which has evolved into Smart Maintenance. This ensures the availability of the intelligent factory in accordance with requirements through predictive maintenance.
The basis of this Smart Factory is a high degree of digitization of the value-added processes. However, there is still a great need for action in many companies. Fraunhofer IML's process model »The way to a Smart Factory« addresses this problem and helps to implement digitization projects.
The departments Production Logistics and Plant and Service Management of Fraunhofer IML offer companies numerous ways of support. The services offered range from the analysis of the current situation, various workshops and full support to the concrete implementation of the Smart Factory.