Factory Structure Planning

Our offer

Together with you, we develop sustainable factory structures for your production - customised and with scientifically proven methodology. Starting with the consideration of your strategic goals, we determine your future system load. The subsequent analysis of the processes and segmentation of the products into part families forms the basis for the subsequent dimensioning and material flow-orientated arrangement of the resources. Layouting is carried out according to your individual requirements as a rough or fine layout. Iteration creates a layout adapted to the actual restrictions. The subsequent resource planning is used to dimension the required resources such as equipment, personnel etc. for production and logistics. If required, we also consider the integration of your site into a holistic site concept.

The illustration shows a laptop on which a programme displays the intensity of the material flows in an example scenario. The planning content that we offer as part of factory planning is also mentioned: System load determination, process and organisational planning, layout planning, resource planning and site development.
© Fraunhofer IML
Our planning content

Our approach

Analysing the relevant functional areas and overarching master planning are essential for material flow-oriented layout planning. At the start of a project, you define the planning objective together with us. Here, process-orientated planning is applied and integrated into the holistic plan.

  • Determining system load: Joint determination of the future system load, e.g. based on a detailed analysis of past production volumes or forecasts.
  • Process and organisation planning: Through process segmentation, we form families of parts with similar or common characteristics with regard to the process flow. The definition of organisational units and the assignment of segmented processes to them are the basis for the efficient implementation and control of factory operations.
  • Layout planning: A material flow matrix is initially created to record and quantify the material flows. This is followed by the dimensioning and material flow-orientated arrangement of the functional areas in the form of an ideal layout. The real layout is created iteratively by taking real restrictions into account.
  • Resource planning: Resource planning involves the selection and dimensioning of necessary resources such as personnel, equipment, transport, logistics and IT resources, etc.
  • Site development: We outline future development opportunities and demonstrate the long-term potential of your site, e.g. as part of long-term development planning. We also support you in integrating your site into an efficient, higher-level production network.

Your benefits

With its methodological expertise in factory planning, Fraunhofer IML is the ideal partner for designing future-proof factory structures and aligning your production to the constantly growing requirements in terms of flexibility and adaptability.

We support you with:

  • the realisation of an efficient and transparent material and information flow
  • Increasing flexibility, resulting in greater adherence to delivery dates and therefore greater customer satisfaction
  • Consideration of development potential that is adaptable in the long term
  • Shortening throughput times
  • Reduction of work in progress
  • Increasing the utilisation of your capacities
  • Optimisation of production planning and control
  • Minimisation of transports and transport routes in the overall production system
  • Eliminating waste by eliminating several storage stages in the order flow (complete processing without intermediate storage)
  • Design of modern, ergonomic and attractive workstations
The figure shows the process-orientated procedure model for factory planning from Dortmund. The first step is to determine the system load. The quantity of products and variants in defined qualities within a defined period of time is determined. This is followed by process structure planning to define the required utilisation and support processes. In process structure planning, the processes are assigned to organisational units and responsibilities are defined. The following resource planning deals with the definition of resource requirements by type and quantity. The spatial arrangement of the identified resource quantities takes place in the arrangement structure planning. In the final control planning stage, control rules are defined for the individual levels.
© Fraunhofer IML
Process-orientated procedure model for factory planning

Reference projects

Here you can see selected projects as examples of good practice.

Development of a location concept and new construction planning


Contract manufacturer for special requirements of the defence industry and the aviation sector

New planning of a welding shop


Metal forming - cutting, edging, processing

Planning of a slab store to supply a rolling mill


Steel production

Development of a logistics concept for the production of electrolysis cells


Electrolysis systems for green hydrogen

Development of a material flow and assembly concept to increase efficiency


Manufacturer of hot-pressed and precision turned parts for shut-off and sanitary fittings

Development of a site concept


Chemical industry