Our main topics in the area of business model development
As part of our daily work in research and industry projects, we deal with various trends, requirements and technologies in the area of business model development. In doing so, we focus on the following topics:
Data-driven business models
Data-driven business models describe the data-based creation of value in companies. Data sets can be incorporated into services or products, sold as raw or processed data sets, or used internally for analysis or forecasting purposes. In addition to the ongoing digitization of business processes, technology trends such as IoT devices, big data analytics through artificial intelligence, or blockchain are making it increasingly easy to collect, analyze, and store large amounts of data. While in a first step the preparation and visualization of KPIs, sustainability data or process data provides transparency in the company, the full potential of the data often remains unused. The true value and the great challenge of data-driven business models lies in the linking of causally related data sets. Therefore, we support companies in taking stock and analyzing their data with regard to new and innovative business models.
Open Source Business Models
Open source software is an elementary component of most software applications in companies. Companies often use open source software for cost reasons or for reasons of security and stability of the offering. For companies that develop and offer software themselves, the provision - i.e. not just the use - of open source software can in turn represent an exciting business model. By making source code available, exciting ecosystem strategies can be realized, cooperation and collaboration with partners and customers can be simplified, and new payment models and incentives for customers can be created. Open source approaches are an exciting business model strategy for start-ups in particular. Small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as corporations, also benefit from open source as a collaboration method and ecosystem strategy. We work out exactly how in the course of developing a holistic open source strategy for your company.
Platform Business Models
Digital platforms are mainly present in the B2C or C2C sector. Large corporations such as Google, Amazon and Facebook have been profiting from so-called network and scaling effects of their platforms for many years. Platform-driven business models are also an attractive business model in the B2B sector. Platforms in the industrial sector often represent digital ecosystems and go far beyond pure transaction platforms in the sense of booking portals. Companies that manage to connect different market sides via their platform and build up a corresponding infrastructure for providers of complementary services become orchestrators of an ecosystem. Value is created through the efficient and targeted collaboration and networking of the various players. Companies can build different types of platforms and pursue different ecosystem strategies, depending on whether the ecosystem is to be used for market differentiation or joint innovation development, for example. We support companies in identifying the appropriate platform strategy and show how digital, networked supply chains can already be understood as ecosystems today.
Blockchain Business Models
Blockchain technology offers companies exciting opportunities along their supply chains. With the help of blockchain, data can be stored persistently and transparently. Smart contracts and IoT applications can also trigger automated payment processes or order transactions. This makes processes along the flows of goods, information and finance more efficient and trustworthy. In this context, blockchain technology should not only be understood as an enabler technology for Industry 4.0: The technology creates business model innovations and value propositions that would not have been feasible without blockchain. On the one hand, new customer segments can be tapped and process innovations realized. On the other hand, blockchain technology allows the emergence of new corporate values and assets through tokenization (the cryptographic mapping of digital values on the blockchain). Data, shares in machines or investments in future projects can be provided with a unique authorship and are thus tradable and shareable. We support companies in the identification of suitable use cases and reveal the influence that blockchain technology can have on existing, but also future business models.
Sustainable business models
The term sustainability is on everyone's lips these days - more so than ever before. It is widely understood that sustainability is a triad of economic, ecological and social goals. In contrast, »sustainability« or »sustainable« is often interpreted merely as the long-term safeguarding of economic success. In the course of our projects and work on the topic of »sustainable business models«, we are guided by this holistic understanding. We support founders and companies in the (further) development of their business idea into a mature and sustainable business model. Sustainable business models are based on a business idea that is intended to make a (distinct) contribution to the environment and/or society, but also to secure the company's continued existence. During this development, the customer's value proposition remains a central element.