Sustainable Business Models

Shaping a sustainable future

Today, sustainability is more important than ever and a key issue for the future of every company. Sustainability is no longer a luxury problem, but has become essential for a company's competitiveness. The reason for this is not only the increasing regulatory requirements, such as those passed in the form of the Supply Chain Act. The increasingly socially anchored demand to treat nature and the environment with care is also influencing consumers' purchasing decisions and is literally forcing a rethink of existing business models and value creation networks.

“Sustainability” or ‘sustainable’ is often equated with the ecological contribution to environmentally conscious action; economic and social aspects are disregarded. However, without long-term oriented management, no sustainable financial basis can be created and the existence of a company threatens to be short-lived. A lack of fair working conditions, in turn, fuels challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers and makes it more difficult to achieve a positive, sustainable corporate culture. Overall, companies not only have an impact on the environment and society, but are also dependent on them. As part of our projects and work on the topic of “sustainable business models”, we are therefore guided by a holistic understanding of sustainability, the so-called triple bottom line.


We help founders and companies to understand sustainability in all its facets and to successfully internalize it in their own business. To this end, we support the generation of ideas and the development of approaches to mature and sustainable business models that benefit both the environment and society and can thus ensure the long-term success of your company. 

^Grafische Illustrationen zu nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodellen mit Bäumen auf einer Zeichnung, im Hintergrund eine Person.
© buk6199 -

Our services

Awareness and method workshops

Implementing sustainability - but how?

Das Bild zeigt: Eine Person am Flipchart bei einem Workshop zum Innovations- und Transformationsmanagement, organisiert vom Fraunhofer IML.
© master1305 -

Are you looking for your first contact with the topic of “sustainability” or do you want to expand your existing knowledge? - We provide you with the necessary know-how to become a sustainability champion! Learn more about sustainability in a corporate context. Learn how to define, measure and implement sustainability goals in order to put your company on a sustainable course. With the help of case studies and best practices from various industries, we will enable you to successfully integrate sustainability into your business model. 

Materiality analysis

Identifying and addressing core issues through the principle of dual materiality

As a component of numerous sustainability reporting standards, the materiality analysis is a recognized tool. It is a central key for companies and organizations to effectively design their sustainability strategies and focus on the most important aspects. Based on the results of the analysis, concrete measures can be derived that address the most material issues for a company.


Our materiality analysis service offers you a structured approach as well as support for the implementation and evaluation process in order to identify and systematically address the most relevant sustainability issues for your company.

Ein Beispiel Big Picture der Strategieentwicklung mit dem Fokus Nachhaltigkeit
© Who is Danny -

Strategy development and big picture

Your roadmap for a sustainable future

Das Bild zeigt eine Straße die durch eine Wüste führt. Sie ist getrennt durch zwei gelbe durchgezogene Lininien.

Sustainability has many facets, but which ones are particularly relevant for your company and should be prioritized? What does this mean for your business model and how do you design your long-term strategy?


We offer you support in developing your sustainability strategy and help you to create a comprehensive big picture that illustrates your goals, measures and impacts at a glance. We take a holistic approach and consider the ecological, social and economic aspects of sustainability.

  • Providing a basic understanding of the topic of sustainability
  • Development of a company-specific definition of sustainability
  • Analysis of the corporate environment
  • Consideration and selection of suitable Sustainable Development Goals
  • Development of sustainability values and goals
  • Formulation of mission and vision statements
  • Preparation of the key results in the form of roadmaps or big pictures

Publications in the field of sustainable business models


Technology and
Trend radar

What do you as a company need to consider in the sustainability transformation?