Innovation- and Transformation Management

Geopolitical risks, changes in procurement and sales markets, technological change through digitalization and AI - the complex issue of sustainability. Companies are exposed to an increasing pull of transformation. Processes within the company and across the entire supply chain must be constantly adapted, and the company's own products and services must be scrutinized and further developed. Systematic innovation management enables companies to transform in a targeted and efficient manner.


How innovations are initiated and implemented is defined by the transformation management in practice: How are ideas and impulses captured within the company? Who decides on implementation? How is it then implemented? Empowering the workforce is an essential key to developing a high level of maturity in transformation management and meeting the increasing challenges with a high level of innovative strength. 

Das Bild zeigt einen großen Frachthafen bei Sonnenuntergang, mit Containerschiffen und gestapelten Containern entlang des Kais, während die Lichter der Stadt im Hintergrund leuchten.
© Mongkol Chuewong -

Our Services

Change and transformation management

Das Bild zeigt die Grafik eines Prozessablaufs im Innovations- und Transformationsmanagement.
© everythingpossible -

Shaping change from within


The increasingly demanding challenges facing companies can only be met through more agile organizational structures and a new culture of collaboration. A conscious and profound change in your organization

  • taking into account resistance,
  • by building acceptance and
  • promoting commitment

is only possible through the development of future-oriented change and transformation management.


From the initiation of ideas to their actual implementation: we work with you to determine how the workforce can be involved and empowered in a beneficial way and support you with your strategy for individual change and transformation management. This strategy will have a significant impact on your innovative strength and form the foundation for further development and survival in the market.

Training courses and workshops

Innovative strength through empowerment

Involving the workforce in transformation processes is a key success factor in meeting the complex challenges facing your company. When employees

  • recognize potential independently,
  • develop innovative ability and
  • initiate and implement change,

transformation and innovation work best within the company itself. However, the skills required for this are sometimes far removed from the role description and the actual position and must first be developed within the company.


Together with you, we analyze the status quo and requirements and develop individual workshop formats to build up missing skills in the company and strengthen the company's innovative power. 

Eine Gruppe junger kreativer Geschäftsleute, die in einer Brainstorming-Sitzung einen Fahrplan für die Produkteinführung, die Planung, die Strategie, die Entwicklung eines neuen Unternehmens und die Arbeit an einem neuen Startup-Projekt im Büro besprechen.
© Yingyaipumi -


Teamarbeit und Brainstorming-Konzept mit Geschäftsleuten, die eine Idee mit einer Lampe teilen. Konzept Unternehmen Startup
© Alphaspirit -

Start-up mentality as a driver of innovation

Would you like to develop and implement innovations alongside your existing business model? With our Start-Ins, we enable you to work on innovations outside of your day-to-day business. The focus here is on digital products and services as well as business areas that are developed and tested in agile processes. With our Digital.hub, we not only provide you with the “innovative space”, but also accompany you with our expertise and our ecosystem from the idea to market maturity.


The physical separation from the company is important so that you have sufficient space and time to develop your own start-up mentality alongside your “traditional” business. You decide whether the innovations achieved remain within the company or result in a spin-off as a separate company.

Sustainability communication

Acting with an eye to the future by raising awareness

Sustainability communication is an essential component of future-oriented corporate management. The complexity of the topic requires sensitization of the workforce and the development of a clear vision and strategy. By communicating roadmaps and lighthouses, progress and successes can be made visible.


In addition to internal communication with the workforce, a communication strategy also takes external communication into account. This is the only way to successfully implement sustainable action and commitment. 

Das Bild zeigt das kreisförmige Nachhaltigkeitszeichen umgeben von einem dichtem Wald
© malp -