Energy and resources form the essential basis for the producing economy as well as for a consuming society. Therefore, the competitiveness of manufacturing companies is always closely linked to the availability and demand for energy and raw materials. Declining reserves of fossil fuel, the global rising of energy demand and a likewise sharp rise in global demand for fossil and renewable resources are thus increasingly confronting companies with economic challenges.
Over the past years, the companie's view have changed and ecological goals are increasingly being anchored within the corporate strategies. In doing so, companies not only deal with the energy efficiency of goods that are produced, but also with the energy efficiency potential of their value-adding activities in production and logistics. During the last decade, initial research work and developments have already taken place in the fields of energetic evaluation and alignment of production and logistics processes. However the gained results are only partially implemented into company practice.
The project partners are anticipating to approach these challenges and to provide future users with manageable methods and tools for evaluating energy efficiency in production and logistics scenarios and for optimizing the energy requirments across the entire supply chain.