Das Bild zeigt einen Roboterarm in einer simulierten Umgebung. Der Arm hebt ein rechteckiges Objekt, umgeben von einem Gittermuster, das möglicherweise eine virtuelle Darstellung oder Analyse darstellt. Die Szene scheint in einem industriellen oder technischen Kontext zu sein.
© Fraunhofer IML

The BagBOT development project, led by Fraunhofer IML's Aviation Logistics Department, tackles manual baggage handling challenges at airports. Currently, this labor-intensive process lacks reliable automation, causing adverse working conditions and frequent injuries. Munich Airport aims to pioneer a fully automated baggage loading and unloading system, potentially utilizing a teleoperation-controlled robot in the interim.

The critical challenge lies in developing a gripping solution for handling baggage within aircraft holds. Three conceptual variants have been identified, with the next steps involving a feasibility study and a mockup to assess technical viability.

By addressing industry challenges, this project aims to reduce labor intensity, enhance worker safety, and establish a more efficient and reliable baggage handling system.


The Aviation Logistics Department’s Role


The Aviation Logistics department of Fraunhofer IML leads the way in innovating manual baggage handling processes through cutting-edge robotics solutions. Our expertise spans the entire journey, seamlessly integrating with central infrastructure such as the Baggage Handling System in airport terminals. From efficiently loading Unit Load Devices (ULDs) and carts to transferring baggage from carts to belt loaders and within the aircraft hold, our state-of-the-art robotics optimize efficiency. By incorporating robotics, we prioritize worker safety, significantly reducing the need for manual labor and mitigating the risk of back injuries.

Moreover, our department excels not only in robotics development but also in evaluating alternative solutions such as lifting aids and exoskeletons, showcasing our commitment to comprehensive advancements in aviation logistics. This approach not only streamlines operations but also contributes to a substantial decrease in work-related injuries, fostering a safer and more sustainable future for the aviation industry.


Interested in knowing more about the project? Contact us!