Industry 4.0 is the vision, but the path to it is often complicated and difficult to keep track of. The research project "SORISMA - Sociotechnical Risk Management in the Introduction of Industry 4.0" systematized the relationships of the factors technology, organization and people in the context of Industry 4.0.
The introduction of Industrie 4.0 solutions provides companies with many advantages and is an important success factor for their profitability. However, implementation is a comprehensive, continuous process that not only impacts technical aspects, but also directly affects the organization and people. As a result, it is difficult to assess the risks associated with the introduction of Industrie 4.0 solutions. For this reason, the SORISMA project investigated how holistic, socio-technical risk management can succeed in the context of Industrie 4.0. The aim was to enable companies to minimize risks in the future introduction of Industrie 4.0.
This project was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with approximately 2.7 million euros.