FLITE is an acronym for Fuel via Low Carbon Integrated Technology From Ethanol. The FLITE consortium aims to establish a cutting-edge production facility using ethanol-based Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology for creating synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK) with significantly reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to standard jet fuel.

The versatile ATJ technology can utilize ethanol from diverse non-food sources, such as industrial waste emissions and cellulosic feedstocks. FLITE actively engages the entire aviation sector's value chain to ensure widespread adoption of this technology.


Aviaiton Logistics Department Role:

The Fraunhofer Aviation Logistics Department is leading the efforts on the Exploitation and Clustering with other EU projects (WP6) as well as Dissemination and Communication (WP7). In addition, the team contributes to several other work packages such as leading tasks related to the socio-economic impacts of the project and its outcomes.

Ein Diagramm des FLITE-Projekts zeigt Ziele und Zwecke zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasemissionen durch die Produktion von synthetischem Kerosin aus Ethanol. Das Projekt, gefördert durch Horizon 2020, zielt darauf ab, die Leistungsfähigkeit und Kosteneffizienz der Produktionsanlage zu verbessern.